Release: Microsoft Service Bus for Windows Server 1.0

Microsoft last week announced the release of version 1.0 of the Service Bus for Windows Server. The Service Bus for Windows Server provides Windows Azure Service Bus messaging capabilities on Windows Server allowing customers to build, test and run message-driven applications in self-managed environments and on developer computers.

By releasing this component which works the same as the component in Azure, Microsoft makes it easier for companies leveraging the technology to later decide to host the application using the Service Bus to Windows Azure. The Service Bus is able to replace other so called Message Queuing (MQ) applications.

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Release: Rackspace Cloud Block Storage, powered by OpenStack

On October 23, Rackspace announced the launch of High Performance Cloud Block Storage Products, powered by Openstack.

IT hosting and cloud computing company based in San Antonio, Texas, USA, is delivering a solution that is going to provide a better approach to attached storage in the Cloud by addressing customer demand for consistent and affordable performance for file systems, databases and other input/output (I/O) intensive applications, and according to their press release delivering high performance 5x to 6x faster than competing solutions.

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Release: OpenNebula Cloud Management Platform 3.8

On October 22, OpenNebula project announced the availability of OpenNebula 3.8, Twin Jet.

The OpenNebula project provides a management console for Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud computing platforms, with this release a set of new features are introduced and some old features are fixed. Furthermore OpenNebula 3.8 improved the integration with VMware and KVM, Twin Jet features an improved storage VMware interface with native support for VMFS and integration with cgroups and SPICE on KVM deployments.

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Paper: HP DBC Reference Architecture technical overview

HP has released a paper titled: "HP DBC Reference Architecture technical overview". The paper containing 55 pages details a reference architecture for database consolidation (DBC) provisioning, and running hundreds to thousands of I/O demanding workloads on a Microsoft private cloud. The DBC RA is based on a pre-tested, validated architecture design, thus eliminating the time-consuming tasks associated with designing, testing, and certifying the solution on-site. This can significantly lower the time to order the solution to when it is in place and ready to use by the business.

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Yandex opted for Nimbula Director for its private cloud infrastructure

On October 1st, Yandex, a Russian Internet company which develops a number of Internet-based services and products and owns the largest search engine in Russia announced to have choosen Nimbula Director for its private cloud infrastructure.

Nimbula Director is an extensible cloud platform that permits to build and manage private, hybrid or public clouds with global reach and scale. Yandex would employ Nimbula Director to improve its Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) private cloud, as well as sharing
objects securely.

While OpenStack releases Folsom, Gartner releases a report on OpenStack

OpenStack, the cloud computing project started by Rackspace and NASA in 2010, managed to release the project on schedule, as it was meant to be delivered before the OpenStack Design Summit, that will take place on October 15-18 in San Diego.
The Folsom release, which is the sixth version of the OpenStack software, was developed by about 350 open source developers, it counts with two new services, Networking (Quantum) and Block Storage (Cinder) and includes 185 new features to the project, especially focused in virtual networking.
While OpenStack gets ready for the summit, accomplishes to release on time its software and it is adding more companies in the project, Gartner is publishing a report warning to beware of the open source cloud computing project, and advises to better emply a third-party cloud management tool or API library that would be able to work with multiple clouds.

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