Docker releases beta of new Orchestration tools

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Docker last week announced the availability of its orchestration tools in beta. The orchestration tools are able to assist in portability of the Docker containers and consists of Docker Machine, Docker Swarm and Compose 1.1.

Docker Machine provisions the host infrastructure and installs the Docker Engine. It supports the following twelve drivers in this release: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Digital Ocean, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Softlayer, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Hyper-V, OpenStack, Rackspace Cloud, VirtualBox, VMware Fusion, VMware vCloud Air, and VMware vSphere.

Docker Swarm provides native clustering and integrations with third party tools and services. Swarm’s scheduling capabilities determine the right host in a cluster for specific containers, assigns the right resources, and leverages Docker Hub for its host discovery.

Docker Compose allows developers to create multi-container implementations with a simple declarative YAML file.