Release: C12G Labs OpenNebula 2.0

After starting a beta program in July this year, C12G Labs now has released version 2.0.1 of OpenNebulaPro, an enterprise-ready edition of the OpenNubula Toolkit. Open Nebula provides a management console for Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud computing platforms. OpenNebula supports both the VMware vCloud API and the DeltaCloud API.

Supported Linux distributions are RedHat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSuse and Suse Linux Enterprise, supported hypervisors are KVM, Xen and VMware ESX/ESXi/vCenter, and supported cloud providers for cloud bursting include Amazon EC2.

The new release includes the following improvements, including:

  • Image Repository allowing user to specify disk images from a catalog
  • Separate VM and Information actions. Specific operations performed when monitoring a host or performing an specific operation on a VM have been decoupled from the driver code base
  • Support for extended Virtual Network configurations (IP gateway, DNS servers, etc. can be defined within a virtual machine for each attached network)
  • LDAP Integration, enabling integration with an existing LDAP infrastructure for authorization and authentication
  • Quota Management, enabling administrators to set limits on cloud resources for users
  • Support for physical clusters
  • Accounting, which enables generation of accounting reports for cloud users and physical hosts.
  • Support for MySQL as DB backend
  • Improved support for VMware, EC2 and OCCI and better Scalability.
  • Java bindings for the OpenNebula Cloud API(OCA), providing JAVA bindings which wraps the XML-RPC interface methods which are exposed by the core.
